Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Raw Nerves....

I feel like this week I am a bundle of raw energy waiting to explode.
My job status is up in the air. I passed on one opportunity to try for an opportunity at work. But the person I'm going ageist is better at interviews and words and speaking. To lose the spot because of that would devastate me. Because I know I'm better at the spot.
My sister has a new boy. Well I guess she has two new boys. Both of course love her and she gets like my mom when there are boys involved. I get kicked to the curb. I'm always being left out. Sometimes I think if it wasn't for me trying so hard we wouldn't be so close. Makes me sad because she is my bestfriend and if you know me, then you'd know I'd do anything for her.
And there is my friend, we'll call her, Emotions. I feel this huge gulf of space between us. She is so back and forth, I just don't know what I'm going to get. And yesterday, her actions at work cause me to end up in the managers office crying.
There are just days I can't win for losing. I suck at life.
I'll just stay all Aloney On My Owney